Earth Day in Action Event


Friday, April 19, noon to 5 p.m.
Saturday, April 20, 9 a.m. to noon


279 Collins Rd NE, Cedar Rapids
  (former Collins Road Hy-Vee Parking Lot)
Elevate Earth Day Header


Earth Day is more crucial now than ever as our planet faces escalating environmental challenges. From climate change and deforestation to pollution and biodiversity loss, the urgency to join forces has never been clearer. Elevating Earth Day means not only raising awareness, but taking action.

Earth Day Collaborate Header


We unite in a powerful display of solidarity, pooling our resources, expertise and passion for environmental action and the greater good. By partnering this Earth Day, we demonstrate the collective determination and strength of community-driven solutions.

Earth Day Donate Header


An easy way to contribute to the preservation of our planet's ecosystems is donating. Local organizations use those donations as direct support or to fund programs that strengthen local families and neighborhoods. Goods are diverted from landfills and your neighbors receive a hand up.

Two Days, One-Stop Earth Day Donation Stations!

People participating in Earth Day in Action

What to Bring for Donation

♻ Sensitive Documents for Shredding (Friday only)

♻ Bicycles

♻ Books & Media (CDs, DVDs, cassette tapes, etc.)

♻ Clothing & Textiles (in any condition)

♻ Computers (working or not)

♻ Computer Peripherals (working or not)

♻ Fencing, Bricks & Blocks

♻ Furniture

♻ Household Goods & Electronics

♻ Kitchen Gear

♻ Light Fixtures

♻ Rechargeable Batteries

♻ Spring Cleaning Supplies

♻ Useable Building Supplies

♻ Tools

Keep Your Eyes Open for take-home Earth Day freebies!



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